Eastern San Diego County Junior Fair
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Auction Day Activities
1. Visit Bid.VirtualAuction.com - Eastern San Diego County Junior Fair Auction and then log in with the user account you created when you Registered for the Auction.  Ensure you have registered as a Buyer and you have replied to the confirmation e-mail.  Have fun!
2. Buyers, please respond to your Text Messages to complete your disposition after the purchase of each animal.  
3. If you would like to split the purchase of an animal with another registered buyer(s), see us on Sunday at the drive through bank to facilitate the split.
Sale Order Catalog
Auction Preview
2021 Auction Information
4. If you would like to watch the Auction, you need to... more information coming soon... 
Then Visit Bid.VirtualAuction.com - Eastern San Diego County Junior Fair Auction.
Copyright (c) 2016-2021 Eastern San Diego County Junior Fair